Welcome to AA Fitness! This is a Health and Fitness Blog for
ALL ages. Enjoy all the material I have to share with you. My
philosopy and expertise is in Kinesiology, and comes with a
decade of education and experience. I am an educator, trainer,
coach, student, athlete, and client to fitness!!! Join the journey
and let's have some fun! -Andrew Ames

Monday, November 01, 2010

4 Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire

   One of the very first things a person should do before beginning an exercise routine, is take the PAR-Q.   This is a Questionnaire that examines your readiness to perform physical activity.   Before you take you car for a long long road trip, you take it into the shop to make sure ALL is ready to go, right?   We need to know where you are at, and if you are able to begin a program.   Below are different types of PAR-Q links.  Click on the first link #1 and see if you answer YES to any of the questions, if so you should see a doctor and let the doctor use PAR-Q (PARmed-X) #2 BEFORE you begin an exercise program.

1) The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology created the original PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire), for ages 15-69, was developed by the British Columbia Ministry of Health.   It has been revised by an Expert Advisory Committee of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology chaired by Dr. N. Gledhill (2002).  Link to PAR-Q:   http://uwfitness.uwaterloo.ca/PDF/par-q.pdf

2) The PAR-Q (PARmed-X) is to be used by doctors with people who answer YES to one or more questions on the PAR-Q above.
Link to (PARmed-X) PAR-Q: http://www.csep.ca/cmfiles/publications/parq/parmed-x.pdf

3) The PAR-Q (PARmed-X for Pregnancy) is to be used by doctors with pregnant patients who wish to become more active.
Link to (PARmed-X for Pregnancy) PAR-Q: http://www.csep.ca/cmfiles/publications/parq/parmed-xpreg.pdf

4) The Children's Hospital Institute of Sports Medicine (CHISM) created a PAR-Q for children.   The document will be found on page 21 after you have gone to the link.
Link to PAR-Q for children: http://www.chw.edu.au/chism/childcare_guidelines_for_gyms.pdf (page 21)


  1. Cool stuff!Too bad many personal trainers just dont think and act like that.

  2. Hence the reason I hope to make a difference. :) A trainer with some knowledge and expertise :) THanks for the comment "anonymous" :)
